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健身房是城市里用来健身的场所。一般而言,都有齐全的器械设备,有较全的健身及娱乐项目,有专业的教练进行指导 ,有良好的健身氛围。 在健身房不仅能锻炼肌肉,让身材更有形,也能认识很多新朋友。 健身房的健身器多达近百种,但归纳起来,大致可分为三种类型; 全身性健身器械:如10项综合训练器、家用16功能健身器等; 局部性健身器械:如健身自行车、划船器、楼梯机、跑步机,以及小腿弯举器、重锤拉力器、提踵练习器等; 小型健身器械:如人们所熟知的哑铃、壶铃、曲柄杠铃、弹簧拉力器、健身盘、弹力棒、握力器等。 随着社会经济高速发展,人们的生活也发生了翻天覆地的变化,从最初的吃饱到吃好再到怎么吃才健康,中间花费了很长的时间人们的观念也发生了改变,健康的意识已经深入人心。 大量的人们开始加入到健身的行列,而健身俱乐部是实现锻炼身体,实现自我身体健康的最佳途径。因而健身网站也运营而生,在当今网络信息发达的时代,很多人会通过健身网站了解适合自身的健身项目,健身俱乐部,分享自己健身经验,交流自己健身体会等。
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In the gym, not only can exercise muscles, so that the body more shape, but also to meet a lot of new friends.There are as many as 100 kinds of exercise apparatus in the gym, but in general, they can be divided into three types;All - body fitness equipment: such as 10 comprehensive training device, home 16 function exercise apparatus, etc.;Local fitness equipment: such as exercise bicycles, rowing machines, treadmills, stairs, and leg curl, hammer chest, toes exercises etc.
Small fitness equipment such as: known as dumbbell, barbell, crank, Kettlebell spring expander, body building plate, an elastic rod, grip and so on.